Then, I started cycling as a way to keep relatively fit as the football career was being wound up. I soon caught the cycling bug, going from cycling 20 miles very slowly on my own once a week, to doing upwards of 150 miles a week with the local club.
"A monumental challenge needs a monument, and the Climate Clock could serve as this constant, public reminder," says Daniel Zarrilli, New York City's chief climate policy advisor.
Whether you are at the gym, at campus, at work or just walking down the street reusable water bottles are steadily becoming an everyday essential. Whether it’s a Smart Technology Bottle, a Chilly’s Bottle , a Klean Kanteen Flask or a Bosh Bottle you can’t go far without seeing someone; drinking, refilling, or carrying their bottle on their travels. So why are these people hiking around with these bottles?
Globally, more than one million plastic bottles are sold every single minute. Yet in the U.K just 58% of the 13 billion plastic bottles sold each year are recycled.
Faye Cherry, current Journalism student at Ulster University focused her 'Climate Emergency Story' on the alarming rise of single-use plastic within the U.K. She posed a few question to Bosh. regards our environment policies.